Thursday, October 2, 2008

To More Than I Can Be.

Hi. My name is Joseph. This picture is looks differnt than me. But this is me.
My hobby is Singing, reading.
I'm not a good singer, but i like to Sing and I love to go to the karaoke.
What should I say more than this. Um.. If you want to know more than this. ask me.


Song,myungki said...

Your blog is empty...hahaha...

Joseph Park said...

Thank you~z but not now...

I'm still working on.. my blog

It's not easy for me!!!!!

KellyWong said...

hahaha!not empty anymore=)
The photo is nice!Nice to meet you.

Joseph Park said...

Thank you for visiting~my blog;;


Thao le said...

Hi Joseph, the photo is really nice, but can you post more picture and without glasses. moreover, try to do your homeworks, good luck.^^

PUKUINU said...

Woa....picture is good!! Very handsome :))

Thao le said...

Hi Joseph, long time to see you,haha^^. how are you doing? have a good health.I also like that song, it is very cute and beautiful. I'm glad when it make you happy.
wow,you still have many homeworks to do, and you should go to school more regularly. this is midterm test week, so there are a lot of tests on thursday,friday, and tomorrow. don't absent tomorrow.